Working Paper
The dynamic impacts of alternative livestock sector intervention and spending options in Rwanda
2025Aragie, Emerta A.; Bahta, Sirak T.; Baltenweck, Isabelle; Enahoro, Dolapo K.; Karugia, Joseph T.; Thurlow, James; Warner, James

Working Paper
Commercialization and dietary diversity of Rwandan smallholder farmers: A focus on women and youth headed households
2025Mukangabo, Emerence; Warner, James

Working Paper
The changing demographics in food systems and implications for future youth engagement in Rwanda
2024Bachewe, Fantu Nisrane; Mawia, Harriet; Niyonsingiza, Josue

Working Paper
Systematic risk profiling: A novel approach with applications to Kenya, Rwanda, and Malawi
2024Mukashov, Askar; Robinson, Sherman; Thurlow, James; Arndt, Channing; Thomas, Timothy S.

Working Paper
Quantifying food losses in the beans value chain in Rwanda: Analysis and results from a baseline survey
2024Delgado, Luciana; Niyonsingiza, Josue; Bachewe, Fantu Nisrane

Working Paper
Costs and returns in Rwandan smallholder agricultural production: Gross margins and profitability analyses
2024Mugabo, Serge; Warner, James

Working Paper
Assessing agricultural extension agent digital readiness in Rwanda
2024Davis, Kristin E.; Rosenbach, Gracie; Spielman, David J.; Makhija, Simrin; Mwangi, Lucy

Working Paper
Rural income diversification in Rwanda: Opportunities and challenges
2024Schmidt, Emily; Mugabo, Serge; Rosenbach, Gracie

Working Paper
Synopsis: Agricultural Mechanization in Rwanda
2024Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Benimana, Gilberthe; Spielman, David J.; Warner, James

Working Paper
Identifying farm typologies in Rwandan agriculture: A framework for improving targeted interventions
2024Benimana, Gilberthe; Warner, James; Mugabo, Serge

Working Paper
Crop commercialization in Rwanda: Current market participation and drivers
2024Warner, James; Benimana, Gilberthe; Mugabo, Serge; Ingabire, Chantal

Working Paper
Agricultural mechanization policy options in Rwanda
2024Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Benimana, Gilberthe; Spielman, David J.; Warner, James

Working Paper
Rwanda smallholder agriculture commercialization survey: Overview using selected categorical variables
2023Warner, James M.; Rosenbach, Gracie; Benimana, Gilberthe; Mugabo, Serge; Niyonsingiza, Josue; Mukangabo, Emerence; Dushimayezu, Bertrand; Nshimiyimana, Octave; Ingabire, Chantal; Spielman, David J.

Working Paper
Women’s empowerment in Rwandan agriculture: A baseline assessment in the context of Rwanda’s gender and youth mainstreaming strategy and the fourth strategic plan for agricultural transformation
2023Rosenbach, Gracie; Benimana, Gilberthe; Ingabire, Chantal; Spielman, David J.; Tumukunde, Ritha

Working Paper
Valuing control over income and time use: A field experiment in Rwanda
2023Hickman, William; Kramer, Berber; Mollerstrom, Johanna; Seymour, Greg

Working Paper
Landscape analysis of early childhood development and agriculture in Bangladesh, Kenya, Peru, Rwanda, and Sri Lanka
2023McCann, Juliet; Sproule, Katie; Bliznashka, Lilia; Olney, Deanna K.

Working Paper
Policy options for fertilizer subsidy reforms in Rwanda: A simulation-based analysis and synthesis of prior studies
2022Spielman, David J.; Mugabo, Serge; Rosenbach, Gracie; Ndikumana, Sosthene; Benimana, Gilberthe; Ingabire, Chantal

Working Paper
Food budget allocation efficiency: A missing component to help identify robust nutrition policies, with application to Rwanda
2022Marivoet, Wim

Working Paper
Rwanda’s food systems transformation: A diagnostic of the public policy landscape shaping the transformation process
2022Dusingizimana, Petronille; Kazungu, Jules; Lalui, Armin; Milani, Peiman; Munanura, James; Nsabimana, Aimable; Sindi, Julius Kirimi; Spielman, David J.; Umugwaneza, Maryse

Working Paper
Public investment prioritization for Rwanda’s inclusive agricultural transformation: Evidence from rural investment and policy analysis modeling
2022Aragie, Emerta; Xinshen Diao; Spielman, David J.; Thurlow, James; Mugabo, Serge; Rosenbach, Gracie; Benimana, Gilberthe Uwera

Working Paper
Using outcome trajectory evaluation to assess HarvestPlus’ contribution to the development of national biofortification breeding programs
2022Douthwaite, Boru; Johnson, Nancy L.; Wyatt, Amanda

Working Paper
Rwanda’s agrifood system: Structure and drivers of transformation
2022Diao, Xinshen; Ellis, Mia; Mugabo, Serge; Pauw, Karl; Rosenbach, Grace; Spielman, David J.; Thurlow, James

Working Paper
Farmers’ demand for quality and nutritionally enhanced sweetpotato planting material: Evidence from experimental auctions in Rwanda
Uzamuschaka, S.; Munyabarame, D.; Shumbusha, D.; Hareau, G.; Spielman, David J.

Working Paper
Assessing market price dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic in Rwanda
2021Hirvonen, Kalle; Rosenbach, Gracie; Spielman, David J.

Working Paper
Assessing the impacts of COVID-19 on household incomes and poverty in Rwanda: A microsimulation approach
2021Diao, Xinshen; Rosenbach, Gracie; Spielman, David J.; Aragie, Emerta

Working Paper
Assessing the economywide impacts of COVID-19 on Rwanda’s economy, agri-food system, and poverty: A social accounting matrix (SAM) multiplier approach
2021Aragie, Emerta; Diao, Xinshen; Robinson, Sherman; Rosenbach, Gracie; Spielman, David J.; Thurlow, James

Working Paper
Drivers of youth engagement in agriculture: Insights from Guatemala, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Uganda
2021Babu, Suresh Chandra; Franzel, Steven; Davis, Kristin E.; Srivastava, Nandita

Working Paper
African commitments for agricultural development goals and milestones for Rwanda
2020Mitik, Lulit; Fofana, Ismaël; Diallo, Mariam Amadou

Working Paper
Social network effects on consumer willingness to pay for biofortified crops
2018Muange, Elijah N.; Oparinde, Adewale

Working Paper
Land consolidation, specialization, and household diets: Evidence from Rwanda
2018del Prete, Davide; Ghins, Léopold; Magrini, Emiliano; Pauw, Karl

Working Paper
Demand-pull creation, public officer’s endorsement, and consumer willingness-to-pay for nutritious iron beans in rural and urban Rwanda
2017Oparinde, Adewale; Murekezi, Abdoul; Birol, Ekin; Katsvairo, Lister

Working Paper
What will it take for biofortification to have impact on the ground? Theories of change for three crop-country combinations
2015Johnson, Nancy L.; Guedenet, Hannah; Saltzman, Amy

Working Paper
Toward an understanding of economic growth in Africa: A re-interpretation of the Lewis Model
2015Diao, Xinshen; McMillan, Margaret S.

Working Paper
Towards understanding economic growth in Africa: A reinterpretation of the Lewis Model
2014Diao, Xinshen; McMillan, Margaret S.

Working Paper
The role of agriculture in the fast-growing Rwandan economy: Assessing growth alternatives
2014Diao, Xinshen; Bahiigwa, Godfrey; Pradesha, Angga

Working Paper
Aid effectiveness: How is the L’Aquila food security initiative doing?
2014Benin, Samuel

Working Paper
Food as the basis for development and security: A strategy for Yemen
2010Breisinger, Clemens; Ecker, Olivier; Funes, José; Yu, Bingxin

Working Paper
Agricultural growth and investment options for poverty reduction in Rwanda
2007Diao, Xinshen; Fan, Shenggen; Yu, Bingxin; Kanyarukiga, Sam

Working Paper
The role of agriculture in development: implications for Sub-Saharan Africa
2006Diao, Xinshen; Hazell, Peter B. R.; Resnick, Danielle; Thurlow, James

Working Paper
Production risk and commercialization of agriculture in Rwanda : implicatons for household labour supply and food security
1993Ezemenari, Kene.