Journal Article
The economywide recovery measures in Rwanda during the COVID-19 pandemic: How useful a lesson?
2024Aragie, Emerta A.; Diao, Xinshen; Spielman, David J.; Thurlow, James

Journal Article
Understanding differential reductions in undernutrition among districts in Rwanda through the perspectives of mid‐level and community actors on policy commitment and policy coherence
2024Iruhiriye, Elyse; Frongillo, Edward A.; Olney, Deanna K.; Niyongira, Emmanuel; Nanama, Simeon; Blake, Christine E.; Rwibasira, Eugene; Mbonyi, Paul

Journal Article
Strategies for better integrating nutrient supplementation and dietary diversity approaches for stunting reduction and improved nutrition outcomes: A Rwandan case study
2023Warner, James; Marivoet, Wim; Covic, Namukolo M.; Umugwaneza, M.

Journal Article
Impact of adopting maize hermetic storage technologies on smallholder farmers’ income in Gatsibo District, Rwanda
2023Benimana, Gilberthe; Ritho, Cecilia; Irungu, Patrick

Journal Article
Maternal and paternal employment in agriculture and early childhood development: A cross-sectional analysis of demographic and health survey data
2023Bliznashka, Lilia; Jeong, Joshua; Jaacks, Lindsay M.

Journal Article
From food price crisis to an equitable food system
Wanjohi, Milkah N.; Zorbas, Christina

Journal Article
Translation of policy for reducing undernutrition from national to sub-national levels in Rwanda
2022Iruhiriye, Elyse; Olney, Deanna K.; Frongillo, Edward A.; Niyongira, Emmanuel; Nanama, Simeon; Rwibasira, Eugene; Mbonyi, Paul; Blake, Christine E.

Journal Article
Household livelihood diversification in rural Africa
2022Musumba, M.; Palm, C.A.; Komarek, A.M.; Mutuo, P.; Kaya, B.

Journal Article
Sustainable aquaculture development in sub-Saharan Africa
2022Ragasa, Catherine; Charo-Karisa, Harrison; Rurangwa, Eugene; Nhuong Tran; Shikuku, Kelvin Mashisia

Journal Article
Mitigating aflatoxin in Rwanda
2022Herrman, T.J.; Hoffmann, Vivian; Kamaraba, I.; Konlambigue, Matieyedou

Journal Article
Assessment of factors affecting the decision of smallholder farmers to use alternative maize storage technologies in Gatsibo District-Rwanda
2021Benimana, Gilberthe Uwera; Ritho, Cecilia; Irungu, Patrick

Journal Article
Stories of change in nutrition from Africa and Asia: An introduction to a special series in food security
2021Gillespie, Stuart; Harris, Jody; Nisbett, Nicholas; van den Bold, Mara

Journal Article
Review of the micronutrient situation in Rwanda
2021Arsenault, Joanne E.; Olney, Deanna K.

Journal Article
Demand-driven extension and advisory services: Catalysing opportunities for youth in agriculture
2020Franzel, Steven; Lowicki-Zucca, Jane; Miiro, Richard; Uwitonze, Nicolas; Davis, Kristin E.; Luzobe, Beatrice; Rurangwa, Raphael

Journal Article
Increased iron status during a feeding trial of iron-biofortified beans increases physical work efficiency in Rwandan women
2020Luna, Sarah V.; Pompano, Laura M.; Lung'aho, Mercy; Gahutu, Jean Bosco; Haas, Jere D.

Journal Article
Climate and poverty in Africa South of the Sahara
2020Azzarri, Carlo; Signorelli, Sara

Journal Article
Changes in iron status are related to changes in brain activity and behavior in Rwandan female university students: Results from a randomized controlled efficacy trial involving iron-biofortified beans
2019Wenger, Michael J.; Rhoten, Stephanie E.; Murray-Kolb, Laura E.; Scott, Samuel P.; Boy, Erick; Gahutu, Jean-Bosco; Haas, Jere D.

Journal Article
Ex‐ante evaluation of promising soybean innovations for sub‐Saharan Africa
2019Gbegbelegbe, Sika; Alene, A.; Kamara, A.; Wiebe, Keith D.; Manyong, Victor M.; Abdoulaye, Tahirou; Mkandawire, P.

Journal Article
Promoting rapid and sustained adoption of biofortified crops: What we learned from iron-biofortified bean delivery approaches in Rwanda
2019Vaiknoras, Kate; LaRochelle, Catherine; Birol, Ekin; Asare-Marfo, Dorene; Herrington, Caitlin

Journal Article
Land consolidation, specialization and household diets: Evidence from Rwanda
2019del Prete, Davide; Ghins, Léopold; Magrini, Emiliano; Pauw, Karl

Journal Article
Toward an understanding of economic growth in Africa: A reinterpretation of the Lewis model
2018Diao, Xinshen; McMillan, Margaret S.

Journal Article
Distributional effects of growth and public expenditures in Africa: Estimates for Tanzania and Rwanda
2017Almanzar, Miguel; Torero, Máximo

Journal Article
Exploring future agricultural development and biodiversity in Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi: a spatially explicit scenario-based assessment
2017Soesbergen, Arnout van; Arnell, A.P.; Sassen, M.; Stuch B; Schaldach, R.; Göpel, J.; Vervoort, Joost M.; Mason-D'Croz, Daniel; Islam, Shahnila; Palazzo, Amanda

Journal Article
Iron beans in Rwanda: crop development and delivery experience
Mukankusi, Clare Mugisha; Nkalubo, Stanley T.

Journal Article
Sweet potato development and delivery in sub-saharan Africa
2017Low, Jan W.; Ball, A.; Magezi, S.; Njoku, J.; Tomlins, Keith I.; Dove, R.; Mourik, Tom A. van; Andrade, M.I.; Mwanga, Robert O.M.

Journal Article
Advocacy for biofortification: Building stakeholder support, integration into regional and national policies, and sustaining momentum
2017Covic, Namukolo M.; Ball, A.; Low, Jan W.; Mackenzie, A.

Journal Article
Consumer market segments for biofortified iron beans in Rwanda: Evidence from a hedonic testing study
2017Murekezi, Abdoul; Oparinde, Adewale; Birol, Ekin

Journal Article
Can sub-Saharan Africa feed itself?
Yang, Haishun; Boogaard, Hendrik L.; Oort, Pepijn A.J. van; Loon, Marloes P. van; Saito, Kazuki; Adimo, Ochieng; Adjei-Nsiah, Samuel; Alhassane, Agali; Bala, Abdullahi; Chikowo, Regis; Kaizzi, Kayuki; Kouressy, Mamoutou; Makoi, Joachim H.J.R.; Ouattara, Korodjouma; Tesfaye Fantaye, Kindie; Cassman, Kenneth G.

Journal Article
Radio messaging frequency, information framing, and consumer willingness to pay for biofortified iron beans: Evidence from revealed preference elicitation in rural Rwanda
2016Oparinde, Adewale; Birol, Ekin; Murekezi, Abdoul; Katsvairo, Lister; Diressie, Michael Tedla; Nkundimana, Jean d’Amour; Butare, Louis

Journal Article
Economic impact of refugees
2016Taylor, J. Edward; Filipski, Mateusz J.; Alloush, Mohamad; Gupta, Anubhab; Rojas Valdes, Ruben Irvin; Gonzalez-Estrada, Ernesto

Journal Article
In Rwandese women with low iron status, iron absorption from low-phytic acid beans and biofortified beans is comparable, but low-phytic acid beans cause adverse gastrointestinal symptoms
2016Petry, Nicolai; Rohner, Fabian; Gahutu, Jean B.; Campion, Bruno; Boy, Erick; Tugirimana, Pierrot L.; Zwahlen, Christian; Wirth, James P.; Moretti, Diego; Zimmermann, Michael B.

Journal Article
Maize systems under climate change in sub-Saharan Africa: Potential impacts on production and food security
2015Tesfaye Fantaye, Kindie; Gbegbelegbe, Sika; Cairns, Jill E.; Shiferaw, Bekele; Boddupalli, P.M.; Sonder, Kai; Boote, Kenneth J.; Makumbi, Dan; Robertson, Richard D.

Journal Article
The impact of agricultural extension services on social capital: An application to the Sub-Saharan African challenge program in Lake Kivu region
2015Rijn, F. van; Nkonya, Ephraim M.; Adekunle, A.

Journal Article
Challenges to scenario-guided adaptive action on food security under climate change
Wilkinson, A.; Havlík, Petr; Mason-D'Croz, Daniel; Jost, Christine

Journal Article
Phytic acid concentration influences iron bioavailability from biofortified beans in Rwandese women with low iron status
2014Petry, Nicolai; Egli, Ines; Gahutu, Jean B.; Tugirimana, Pierrot L.; Boy, Erick; Hurrell, Richard

Journal Article
Have coffee producers benefited from the new domestic cherry market?: Evidence using panel data from Rwanda
2014Murekezi, Abdoul; Jin, Songqing; Loveridge, Scott

Journal Article
Selecting sites to prove the concept of IAR4D in the Lake Kivu Pilot Learning Site
Lubanga, Lunze; Nabahungu, Leon; Kamale, Kambale; Mugabo, Josaphat; Mutabazi, Sunday

Journal Article
Economywide impacts of climate change on agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa
2013Calzadilla, Alvaro; Zhu, Tingju; Rehdanz, Katrin; Tol, Richard S.J.; Ringler, Claudia

Journal Article
Incontinence and trauma: Sexual violence, female genital cutting and proxy measures of gynecological fistula
2009Peterman, Amber; Johnson, Kiersten

Journal Article
Distributional and nutritional impact of devaluation in Rwanda
1998Minot, Nicholas

Journal Article
Productivity effects of land tenure systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
1993Place, Frank; Hazell, Peter B. R.