IFPRI’s projects in Rwanda is committed to producing high quality, evidence-based outputs that contribute to agriculture development, food security, nutrition, and poverty alleviation. In particular, IFPRI’s policy research has produced technical reports, peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, donor reports, impact assessments, briefs, and more.
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Working Paper
Commercialization and dietary diversity of Rwandan smallholder farmers: A focus on women and youth headed households
2025Mukangabo, Emerence; Warner, James
The case for food system knowledge support system (FS-KSS)
2025Ulimwengu, John M.; Mutyasira, Vine; Keizire, Boaz
Comprehensive mapping of food systems is necessary to guide transformation efforts: The case of Rwanda
2025Ulimwengu, John M.; Warner, James; Mutyasira, Vine; Keizire, Boaz
Working Paper
The political economy of food self sufficiency policies and food security in African countries
2025Bouët, Antoine; Traoré, Fousseini; Mamboundou, Pierre; Diop, Insa; Sy, Abdourahmane
Working Paper
Women’s Empowerment in Agrifood Governance (WEAGov) assessment framework insights from the India pilot study
2024Ragasa, Catherine; Kyle, Jordan; Yasmin, Sabina; Pande, Harshita; Sharma, Aanshi; Basu, Sampurna; Najjar, Dina
Working Paper
The state of food insecurity measurement: A mix of methods, and a mix of messages
2024Headey, Derek D.
Working Paper
Man vs. machine: Experimental evidence on the quality and perceptions of AI-generated research content
2024Keenan, Michael; Koo, Jawoo; Mwangi, Christine; Karachiwalla, Naureen; Breisinger, Clemens; Kim, MinAh
Working Paper
How agri-food value chain employment and compensation evolve with structural transformation
2024Yi, Jing; Jiang, Shiyun; Tran, Dianna; Gómez, Miguel I.; Canning, Patrick; Bloem, Jeffrey R.; Barrett, Christopher B.
Working Paper
Prioritizing agri-food system investments under climatic and world price risks
2024Aragie, Emerta A.
Zambia: Systematic analysis of climate and world market shocks
2024Mukashov, Askar; Diao, Xinshen; Jones, Eleanor; Thurlow, James
Is it a myth? Market power among intermediaries in agri-food value chains
2024de Brauw, Alan; Maruyama, Eduardo; Wagner, Julia
IFPRI Nexus SAMs: Annual Release Note 2024
2024Randriamamonjy, Josee; Jones, Eleanor; Pauw, Karl; Thurlow, James
Postharvest packaging and marketing innovation adoption in Nigeria: The case of plastic crate
2024Yami, Mesay; Saweda, Liverpool-Tasie; Wossen, Tesfamicheal; Oyinbo, Oyakhilomen; Yamauchi, Futoshi; Chamberlin, Jordan; Feleke, Shiferaw; Abdoulaye, Tahirou
Working Paper
Food system financing vulnerability index
2024Ulimwengu, John M.
Working Paper
The changing demographics in food systems and implications for future youth engagement in Rwanda
2024Bachewe, Fantu Nisrane; Mawia, Harriet; Niyonsingiza, Josue
Working Paper
Financial inclusion, agricultural inputs use, and household food security evidence from Nigeria
2024Balana, Bedru; Olanrewaju, Opeyemi
Working Paper
Systematic risk profiling: A novel approach with applications to Kenya, Rwanda, and Malawi
2024Mukashov, Askar; Robinson, Sherman; Thurlow, James; Arndt, Channing; Thomas, Timothy S.
Synopsis: Enhancing rural income diversification in Rwanda: Opportunities and challenges
2024Schmidt, Emily; Mugabo, Serge; Rosenbach, Gracie
2024 annual trends and outlook report: Advancing the climate and bioeconomy agenda in Africa for resilient and sustainable agrifood systems
2024Tadesse, Getaw; Glatzel, Katrin; Savadogo, Moumini
Book Chapter
Innovative financing mechanisms for climate adaptation in African agrifood systems
2024D’Alessandro, Cecilia; Adeniyi, Daniel; Araba, Lade
Book Chapter
Introduction [in Advancing the climate and bioeconomy agenda in Africa for resilient and sustainable agrifood systems]
2024Yamdjeu, Augustin Wambo; Glatzel, Katrin; Tadesse, Getaw; Savadogo, Moumini
Book Chapter
Climate action and bioeconomy transition: Mainstreaming environmental sustainability in the Post-Malabo Agenda of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme
2024Ecuru, Julius; Savadogo, Moumini; Araba, Debisi; Deconinck, Koen
Book Chapter
Adaptation actions to climate change in African agriculture: Effectiveness and challenges
2024Tadesse, Getaw; Barry, Ndeye Yacine
Book Chapter
The impact of climate change on African economies and opportunities for agrifood system transformation
2024Tankari, Mahamadou; Fofana, Ismael
Book Chapter
The converging climate change and bioeconomy agendas as a pathway toward implementing the post-Malabo CAADP agenda
2024Yamdjeu, Augustin Wambo; Glatzel, Katrin
Book Chapter
Bioeconomy pathways: Experience from Africa, Asia, and Latin America
2024Glatzel, Katrin; Virchow, Detlef; Nakitto, Aisha Musaazi S.; Niyonsenga, Seraphin; Babu, Suresh Chandra; Srivastava, Nandita; Kashandula, Progress; Ecuru, Julius; Osano, Philip
Book Chapter
Climate risks and vulnerabilities in African agrifood systems
2024Yade, Sambane; Dia, Khadim; Grace, Delia
Book Chapter
Tracking key CAADP indicators and implementation processes
2024Tefera, Wondwosen; Guthiga, Paul; Collins, Julia; Makombe, Tsitsi
Book Chapter
A nutrition-sensitive circular bioeconomy for food systems transformation in Africa
2024Abe-Inge, Vincent; Aidoo, Raphael; Kwofie, Ebenezer Miezah; Ulimwengu, John M.
Book Chapter
Just energy transition: Challenges and low carbon pathways for Africa
2024Khennas, Smail; Sokona, Youba
Data Paper
2022 Social Accounting Matrix for Rwanda: A Nexus Project SAM
2024International Food Policy Research Institute
Working Paper
A guide to developing quantitative tools for measuring gender norms in agrifood systems
2024Seymour, Greg; Cole, Steven M.; Costenbader, Elizabeth; Mwakanyamale, Devis; Adeyeye, Olajumoke; Feleke, Shiferaw; Ferguson, Nathaniel; Heckert, Jessica
Rwandan maize market price dynamics: Structure, trends and policy implications
2024Warner, James; Benimana, Gilberthe Uwera; Mugabo, Serge; Niyonsingiza, Josue; Mukangabo, Emerence; Ingabire, Chantal
Working Paper
Task or time? Comparing methods for measuring the gender distribution of work
2024Banerjee, Archis; Kumar, Neha; Quisumbing, Agnes R.
Working Paper
The agricultural transformation index
2024Diao, Xinshen; Jones, Eleanor; Pauw, Karl; Thurlow, James; Xu, Wenqian
Book Chapter
Impact of climate change on trade in Africa
2024Mamboundou, Pierre; Traoré, Fousseini; Zaki, Chahir
South Asia Nutrition Knowledge Initiative: Abstract digest August 2024
2024International Food Policy Research Institute
Synopsis: Assessing agricultural extension agent digital readiness in Rwanda
2024Davis, Kristin E.; Rosenbach, Gracie; Spielman, David J.; Makhija, Simrin; Mwangi, Lucy
The International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT): Model documentation for version 3.6
Pitois, Gauthier; Wiebe, Keith D.; Rosegrant, Mark W.
Synopsis: Enhancing smallholder farmers’ profitability through increased crop commercialization in Rwanda
2024Mugabo, Serge; Warner, James
Working Paper
The effectiveness of cash and cash plus interventions on livelihoods outcomes: Evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis
2024Leight, Jessica; Hirvonen, Kalle; Zafar, Sarim
Designing gender- and youth-responsive agronomic solutions: accelerating the use of digital tools for delivering agronomic advice through a public-private partnership extension model in Rwanda
2024Ma, Ning; Kihiu, E.; Lambrecht, Isabel B.; Cole, S.; Ragasa, Catherine; Malit, J.; Uzamushaka, S.; Mudereri, B.T.
Working Paper
Costs and returns in Rwandan smallholder agricultural production: Gross margins and profitability analyses
2024Mugabo, Serge; Warner, James
Working Paper
Assessing agricultural extension agent digital readiness in Rwanda
2024Davis, Kristin E.; Rosenbach, Gracie; Spielman, David J.; Makhija, Simrin; Mwangi, Lucy
Working Paper
Rural income diversification in Rwanda: Opportunities and challenges
2024Schmidt, Emily; Mugabo, Serge; Rosenbach, Gracie
IFPRI's country programs: Facilitating country-led food systems transformation
2024International Food Policy Research Institute
Working Paper
Measuring land rental market participation in smallholder agriculture can survey design innovations improve land market participation statistics?
2024Abate, Gashaw T.; Abay, Kibrom A.; Chamberlin, Jordan; Sebsibie, Samuel
Book Chapter
Plant-source foods: Leveraging crops for nutrition and healthy diets
2024Boy, Erick; Brouwer, Inge D.; Foley, Jennifer; Palacios, Natalia; Scott, Samuel P.; Taleon, Victor
Book Chapter
Diet affordability: Understanding the high cost of healthy diets
2024Headey, Derek D.; Hirvonen, Kalle; Alderman, Harold; de Pee, Saskia; Raghunathan, Kalyani
Real-time market price monitoring: Current dynamics in southern Rwanda
2024Warner, James; Manners, Rhys
Book Chapter
Regional developments [in 2024 Global Food Policy Report]
Pechtl, Sarah; Kishore, Avinash; Nguyen, Phuong; Chen, Kevin Z.; Harris, Jody; Díaz-Bonilla, Eugenio; Piñeiro, Valeria
Working Paper
Review of global agricultural emission databases
2024Pablo, Elverdin; Said, Andrés D.
Working Paper
Assessing the impact of rice price stabilization policies in Bangladesh: Results from a stochastic spatial equilibrium model
2024Minot, Nicholas; Hossain, Shahadat; Kabir, Razin; Dorosh, Paul A.; Rashid, Shahidur
Synopsis: Identifying farm typologies in Rwandan agriculture: A framework for improving targeted interventions
2024Benimana, Gilberthe; Warner, James; Mugabo, Serge
Working Paper
Synopsis: Agricultural Mechanization in Rwanda
2024Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Benimana, Gilberthe; Spielman, David J.; Warner, James
Synopsis: Crop commercialization in Rwanda: Current market participation and drivers
2024Warner, James; Benimana, Gilberthe; Mugabo, Serge; Ingabire, Chantal
Working Paper
Identifying farm typologies in Rwandan agriculture: A framework for improving targeted interventions
2024Benimana, Gilberthe; Warner, James; Mugabo, Serge
Working Paper
Crop commercialization in Rwanda: Current market participation and drivers
2024Warner, James; Benimana, Gilberthe; Mugabo, Serge; Ingabire, Chantal
2023 IFPRI annual report
2024International Food Policy Research Institute
Flagship report on policy coherence of food, land and water systems in Nigeria
2024Osei-Amponsah, Charity; Appiah, Sarah; Balana, Bedru; Sanchez Ramirez, Juan Carlos; Nicol, Alan
Working Paper
Agricultural mechanization policy options in Rwanda
2024Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Benimana, Gilberthe; Spielman, David J.; Warner, James
Synopsis: Rwanda smallholder agricultural commercialization survey: Overview using selective categorical variables
2024Warner, James; Rosenbach, Gracie; Benimana, Gilberthe; Mugabo, Serge; Niyonsingiza, Josue; Mukangabo, Emerence; Dushimayezu, Bertrand; Nshimiyimana, Octave; Ingabire, Chantal; Spielman, David J.
Livelihoods in Sudan amid armed conflict: Evidence from a national rural household survey
Nohra, Nada; AlAzzawi, Shireen; Intini, Vito; Merouani, Walid
Working Paper
Assessing the vulnerability of national food security to international food price shocks: A new index
2024Minot, Nicholas; Vos, Rob; Kim, Soonho; Park, Beyeong; Zaki, Sediqa; Mamboundou, Pierre
Working Paper
Pakistan: A cost-benefit analysis of crop rotation practice in rainfed areas
2024Rana, Abdul Wajid; Gill, Sitara; Akram, Iqra
Working Paper
Fertilizer subsidies in Malawi: From past to present
2024Benson, Todd; De Weerdt, Joachim; Duchoslav, Jan; Masanjala, Winford
Working Paper
Small-scale irrigation protects farmers from climate-extreme events: Insights from the 2015/2016 ENSO in Ethiopia
2024Mekonnen, Dawit Kelemework; Mekonnen, Yalew; Warner, James; Ringler, Claudia
Working Paper
Double-booked: Effects of overlap between school and farming calendars on education and child labor
2024Allen IV, James
Working Paper
Opportunities for innovation and intervention in Uganda’s dairy value chain: A scoping report
2024Ariong, Richard M.; Van Campenhout, Bjorn
Pakistan: Strategy to promote climate smart agriculture practices
2024Rana, Abdul Wajid; Gill, Sitara
Smallholder Agriculture Commercialization in Rwanda, 2022
2024International Food Policy Research Institute
Key principles for country theory of change for food systems transformation anchored in CAADP strategic and action plan (2026-2035)
2024Ulimwengu, John M.; Mutyasira, Vine; Keizire, Boaz
Training Material
Integrating Gender in Cost-Benefit Analysis of Innovations to Enhance Smallholder Farmers’ Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation
2024Kramer, Berber; Braun, Melody
Resilient Cities Urban Country Profile: Rwanda
2023Margolies, Amy; Craig, Hope; Olney, Deanna K.
Integrated simulation framework for the impacts of large dams: Example of the GERD
2023Basheer, Mohammed; Siddig, Khalid; Elnour, Zuhal; Ahmed, Mosab O. M.; Ringler, Claudia
Book Chapter
Gender and food systems in Kenya: A case study of the poultry value chain in eastern Kenya
2023Bukashi, Salome A.; Ngutu, Mariah; Omia, Dalmas O.; Musyoka, Mercy M.; Chemuliti, Judith K.; Nyamongo, Isaac K.
Book Chapter
Youth engagement in agriculture and food systems transformation in Kenya
2023Mugo, Victor; Kinyua, Ivy Wambui
Book Chapter
Agricultural inputs in Kenya: Demand, supply, and the policy environment
2023Kirimi, Lilian; Olwande, John; Langat, Jackson; Njagi, Timothy; Kamau, Mercy; Obare, Gideon
Book Chapter
Assessing the resilience of Kenya's food system: A production approach
2023Ulimwengu, John M.; Mbuthia, Juneweenex; Omune, Lensa
Working Paper
Men can cook: Effectiveness of a light-touch men’s engagement intervention to change attitudes and behaviors in rural Ethiopia
2023Alderman, Harold; Gilligan, Daniel O.; Hidrobo, Melissa; Leight, Jessica; Mulford, Michael; Tambet, Heleene
Working Paper
Including scalable nutrition interventions in a graduation model program: Experimental evidence from Ethiopia
2023Alderman, Harold; Gilligan, Daniel O.; Leight, Jessica; Mamo, Tigist; Mulford, Michael; Tambet, Heleene
Book Chapter
Investing in science, technology, and innovation for sustainable, productivity-led agricultural growth
2023Fuglie, Keith O.
Book Chapter
A forensic framework and decision support system for harmonized and holistic food system resilience and sustainability analysis
2023Agyemang, Prince; Kwofie, Ebenezer M.; Dessureault, Marie-Anne; Ulimwengu, John M.
Book Chapter
2023 ATOR: The call for nutrition-smart food systems
2023Ulimwengu, John M.; Magne Domgho, Léa Vicky; Collins, Julia
Book Chapter
Committing to transform food systems: Responsiveness of food systems transformation pledges by African governments to the WHO priority food systems policies and food-related CAADP biennial review performance categories
2023Nanema, Silver; Amevinya, Gideon Senyo; Laar, Amos
Book Chapter
Conclusion: Toward resilient and sustainable African food systems
2023Ulimwengu, John M.; Kwofie, Ebenezer M.; Collins, Julia
Book Chapter
Food system diagnostics and policy implications: The Malawi case
2023Matchaya, Greenwell C.; Guthiga, Paul
Book Chapter
Tracking key CAADP indicators and implementation processes
2023Collins, Julia; Tefera, Wondwosen; Yamdjeu, Augustin Wambo
Book Chapter
Introduction [in African food systems transformation and the post-Malabo agenda]
2023Ulimwengu, John M.; Kwofie, Ebenezer M.; Collins, Julia; Yamdjeu, Augustin Wambo
Book Chapter
Bioeconomy: A path to African food system transformation
2023Aidoo, Raphael; Kwofie, Ebenezer M.; Glatzel, Katrin; Ecuru, Julius
Book Chapter
A paradigm shift in food safety for Africa
2023Ayalew, Amare; Kareem, Fatima Olanike; Grace, Delia
Book Chapter
Gender and food systems: Avenues for transformation?
2023Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Heckert, Jessica; Malapit, Hazel J.; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S.; Raghunathan, Kalyani; Seymour, Greg; Faas, Simone; Myers, Emily
Book Chapter
Economics of climate adaptation for resilient food systems in Africa
2023Wouterse, Fleur; Fofana, Ismaël; Ly, Racine; Zongo, Amara
African food systems transformation and the post-Malabo agenda
2023Ulimwengu, John M.; Kwofie, Ebenezer M.; Collins, Julia
Book Chapter
Data challenges and opportunities for food systems transformation in Africa
2023Matchaya, Greenwell C.; Makombe, Tsitsi; Mihaylova, Neli Georgieva
Book Chapter
Seven years of implementation of the Malabo Declaration: Making sense of the Malabo theory of change
2023Ulimwengu, John M.; Tefera, Wondwosen; Yamdjeu, Augustin Wambo
Blog Post
Why small-scale irrigation makes for good nutrition policy
2023Lefore, Nicole; Ringler, Claudia
Working Paper
Can a light-touch graduation model enhance livelihood outcomes? Evidence from Ethiopia
2023Leight, Jessica; Alderman, Harold; Gilligan, Daniel O.; Hidrobo, Melissa; Mulford, Michael
From climate risk to resilience: Unpacking the economic impacts of climate change in Mozambique
2023Detelinova, Iva; Thomas, Timothy S.; Tian, Junyan; Hammond, Wole; Arndt, Channing
Book Chapter
Introduction: Political economy of food system transformation
2023Resnick, Danielle; Swinnen, Johan
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