The European Commission has provided EUR 1 million to the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) to support the Rwanda Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources to enhance skills in analysis of public investment priorities and policy options for the Covid-19 recovery period.
Rwanda Policy Atlas: Making more geographic- and nutrition-sensitive policies
Rwanda recognizes nutrition as a challenge that persists even as the country advances along a trajectory of rapid economic growth.
Can extension be digitized to entice youth and engage farmers?
Timely, appropriate, and straightforward agricultural extension is essential to promoting good agricultural practices and contributing to sustainable food security.
Engaging young agripreneurs in private sector extension and advisory services in Rwanda and Uganda
Engaging young agripreneurs in private sector extension and advisory services (EAS) is critical for livelihoods in rural areas where millions of youth are unemployed and face many barriers to entry into agriculture.
IFPRI, Rwanda government partner on policy analysis, capacity strengthening for rural transformation
Building on its remarkable social and economic progress over the past two decades, Rwanda is now accelerating its agenda for sustainable development and inclusive growth.